Monday, April 11, 2011

A Weekend Of First’s–2011 Edtion

It seems like the weekend just blows right past you some times.  This weekend was no exception.  It was a weekend of first this year.

Saturday found my first trip of the year.o the first island of the CBBT with my friend Rob Choi.  The target, Tautog.  After a refreshing set of breakers busting over the bow of my yak, right into my face, we were off.  Despite sporadic 4’ swells, we made it to the island right at an hour after launch.  Unfortunately after two hours of fishing nothing happened until Rob found the magic pylon.  He proceeded to land to baby togs, back to back.  It was not until his third fish that I remembered that I had my tagging gun and tags with me.  We tagged three shorts, which are now Mr. Choi’s pet togs.  I had one hit that took half my bait, but that was the day.  It was nice to get out and watch Rob rip some lips.  It was a success because I had great company for the paddle out and back, and we tagged 3 fish for the VMRC.  When I made it back, I checked my voicemail and made plans for Sunday.


Sunday – I met up with Seth Goodrich and with the James River in search of American Shad.  The goal was to hit them with the fly, but with floating line, I could not find the strike zone.  We hit fish on small crappie jigs and shad spoons.  You have not had fun until you get on shad with an ultralight.  They are one of the most acrobatic fish I have ever caught.  One problem was that the river was packed like sardines with boats.


Most were fairly considerate of us, which was a plus.  A litter later on, Rob met us, and we hit some shad again.  Rob was killing them on the fly, and knowing I was unable to get to them he let me use his rod.  I picked up a few on his 5wt, one of which jumped over my boat.  It was a blast.  To end the evening, Rob showed us one of his catfish spots (don’t worry, your secret spot is safe with me).  Rob immediately picked up a very nice 39” (I think) Flathead cat. 


After a few other runs, but no hookups, Rob hits a new PB 41” Flathead.  I was pestered by a bunch of small cats, until I had one hookup with a Blue Cat in the 20” range.  I leadered him, and the hook popped loose.  Discussion ensued, and it was decided that leadering a 20” catfish did not constitute as a catch.  Wouldn’t you know it, someone had to be a smart ass, and said “Your not Marlin fishing”.  It is good to have “friends” some times.  I was able to manage a 24.5” blue, which after hooked, proceeded to do a”death roll” and make my life a living hell.  In all it was a great day, and an even better weekend.




Im off to bed, looking forward to the VA Fly Fishing (and wine) Festival next weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Great times Billy. I'm glad I got to fish with you and Seth this weekend. Hopefully we'll do it again soon.
